HERE Technologies
In June of 2018, HERE Technologies became a sponsor of VSI’s research vehicle. HERE sought to have their high definition (HD) maps integrated into VSI’s Ford Fusion research vehicle to test various driving applications. They were also looking to grow the reach of their brand through vehicle press opportunities.
In December of 2018, FLIR began working with VSI as a partner on its Research Vehicle. The following year, FLIR sought the help of VSI to design and demonstrate a proof-of-concept Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) system utilizing a FLIR thermal camera to identify in-path humans and stop the vehicle from a collision.
VSI Labs is a leading technology researcher for companies that develop systems or components used in ADAS and automated driving applications. In June 2018, Dataspeed and VSI partnered on a new vehicle build. The 2018 Ford Fusion Hybrid was outfitted with Dataspeed’s Drive-by-Wire Kit, which provided a starting point for VSI’s engineers to integrate other companies’ self-driving components and launch the CAV demonstration build service.
In August of 2018, Oxford Technical Solutions Ltd. (OxTS) became a sponsor of VSI’s research vehicle. OxTS sought to have their RT3003 positioning device integrated into VSI’s Ford Fusion research vehicle to test various driving applications. They also sought to grow the reach of their brand through VSI’s sponsorship marketing.
Bolton & Menk
In August of 2018, Bolton & Menk became a partner on VSI’s research vehicle. While Bolton & Menk does not develop AV technology or components like many of VSI’s automotive partners, they represent other critical aspects of the road to autonomy - infrastructure, community planning, education, and outreach.