Introducing Lane Analytics: a service to help you understand the compatibility of your roads with emerging technologies. Lane Analytics provides actional insights on where ADAS and automated driving functions can perform on your roads. The survey results call out areas of poor performance or segments that need upgrading. The process begins with a survey using high-fidelity recording and positioning equipment. Next, we conduct a thorough performance examination.
VSI has created an AI-based test script that applies multiple lane detectors to the recorded data sets. The resulting data highlights areas where lane detection falls below a predetermined performance threshold.
What Does Lane Analytics Measure?
Lane Detection Stability
Look Ahead Range
Driveable Lane Width
Lane Detection Confidence
The goal is to call out areas where safety is compromised.
What is the Output?
The Lane Analytics viewer provides users with a useful tool for referencing the entire data set, or just those areas where safety may be compromised. Individual call-outs are categorized by type, and users can evaluate them on a frame-by-frame basis.
An export function allows users to download call-outs and share them will colleagues or maintenance departments.