Leverage VSI’s Sensor Data
VSI Labs has extensive experience with data logging and scenario mining. These datasets contain data from a variety of environmental sensors and associated data from the vehicle CAN bus. This data can be used to train machine learning models to detect and classify objects on the road. It can also be used to train models to predict the behavior of other road users and to plan safe avoidance.
VSI Labs maintains an array of sensors and recording gear including the following:
Visible cameras (HDR, multiple FOV)
Thermal Cameras (LWIR)
Lidar (full 360-degree scanning)
Lidar Forward 1550 SS Long range
Radar (SD & HD models)
Precision Positioning (RTK-based)
Precision Heading (dual ant.)
Scenario Mining
VSI offers customized datasets that meet your scenario requirements. Based in the upper Midwest, we have access to all conditions: Scenes include urban centers, suburban highways and boulevards, freeways, tollways, rural two-lane highways, and more. Conditions include day, night, ice and black ice, snow, sleet, rain, and fog.
VSI can deliver the datasets in many formats (typically ROS). All extrinsic and intrinsic measurements are provided for precise output.
Get Started
Contact us to learn more about our data collection & scenario mining services.